NDIS Services
BRAMS is registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and can help you to access the supports you need.
We provide:
- Support co-ordination, including help choosing the right support services;
- Assistance with travel and transport;
- Development of valuable life skills;
- Participation in community life; and
- Individual and group activities.

Evidence and Access Support
The purpose of the Evidence, Access and Coordination of Planning Program is to assist people with disabilities to assess their eligibility for the NDIS, help them navigate through the NDIS access process, and to assist with coordination and development of their NDIS plan.
This includes gathering the relevant information and evidence required for eligibility and access. Those who qualify for NDIS support will be guided through their meetings with the National Disability Insurance Agency and the development of their plans. Those who don’t meet NDIS eligibility requirements will be connected with other services, supports or pathways.
For more information please contact our NDIS Manager through BRAMS reception.
Early Childhood Support
BRAMS works in partnership with Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services to deliver the NDIS Early Childhood Support Program. The purpose of the program is to approach, engage and support children under 7 years with developmental delay or disability through timely access to early intervention supports. The program supports families to assist children to gain, use and develop functional skills to achieve their individual life goals and participate meaningfully in community life.
BRAMS employs two Family Support Workers who assist with the program in Broome. For further information, please contact the NDIS Manager or Health Operations Manager on 9192 1338 or visit our Contact Us page.